«500 коротких рассказов для детей» на английском языке с параллельным переводом (адаптированная)
Короткие рассказы и истории на английском языке для детей. Небольшие рассказы на английском для детей дадут ребенку возможность ознакомиться со звучанием языка, узнать новые слова и фразы, научиться читать и понимать по-английски.
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Going to the Zoo
Christmas Time
She Goes to the Nurse
The First Song
Visiting the Doctor
Different Foods
The Corner
A Surprise Party
A New Pet
Group Project
A Cat and A Mouse
Lemonade Stand
New and Old
The Kind Dentist
A Trip to the Library
A Lot of Ants
Picking a Costume
Petting Zoo
Mom is Mad
Father‘s Day
The Baby Sister
Sometimes you lose
A New Home
Chris and His Fish
The Oldest Brother
A Successful Trade
Making a Snowman
English Skills
Practicing Drawing
A Day for Ice Cream
Taking Tests
Helen is Busy
Messing Up
Introducing Myself
A Long Wait
The Teacher Takes Away His Phone
No One Likes the Flu
The Circus
An Unhealthy Boy
Ferris Wheel
More Money
Loving Dance
A Fun Sleepover
Glass of Milk on the Desk
A Simple Gift
Hide and Seek
Excited for the Mail
Having Fun on a Swing
He Walks His Dogs
A Pencil for Everything
Being Careless
Fluffy the Rabbit
Three Friends and a Jump Rope
He Plays with the Ladybug
The Dog That Digs
Playing with the Monkey Bars
Playing a Doctor
Art Class
Getting Ready for Soccer Practice
The Pouch of a Kangaroo
Aunt and Uncle
A Busy Boy
Fruit Salad
He Takes His Test
Parent-teacher Conference
The Second Dog
A Cat and a Ball of Yarn
Taking Care of His Orange Tree
The Missing Notebook
Tag, You’re It!
Different Flavors
Daydreaming at School
A Pet for Dad
Too Sick
The Worst Student
Bad Manners
Transferring to Another Class
Good Manners
The Trouble with Braces
Lost on the First Day
Stealing is Bad
Picking Her Up
Saving the Princess
Make It Hot, Make It Cold